Announcement Block


Welcome to Buhl!

City Hall Hours:

7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and
7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. on Friday.



The City of Buhl presently has an existing vacancy on the Buhl Economic Development Authority (BEDA) Board of Commissioners, effective immediately, for a seat with a term that expires on December 31, 2026.
Individuals who would like to be considered should complete a City of Buhl Boards/Commissions Expression of Interest form. The form is due by 11:00 a.m. on February 28th, 2025. The form is available at City Hall or click on the link: Expression of Interest for boards


The City of Buhl wants your input on the Stubler Beach Campground Expansion.

Your feedback is essential in shaping the planned expansion of Stubler Beach Campground. The City of Buhl is proposing to add 8 additional rustic campsites, doubling the campground’s capacity while maintaining its natural, low-impact setting. We encourage all residents and visitors to share their thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to help ensure the campground expansion meets community needs. Please take a few moments to complete this form and let your voice be heard!
The Public Comment Period is from February 21 – March 26, 2025.
The Public Workshop will be held March 18th at 6:30 pm at City Hall.
Stubler Beach Rustic Campground Expansion Flyer


The City of Buhl has Discontinued the use of Blue Bags

The City of Buhl has discontinued the use of blue bags for extra refuse placed OUTSIDE of your refuse collection container, and they are no longer available. Remaining blue bags may be used AS NORMAL until APRIL 1, 2025. AFTER April 1, 2025, ANY BAG (blue or not), UP TO 30 gallons capacity will be charged a $5.00 per bag handling fee (the bags must be manually collected by the collection vehicle driver. Bags larger than 30 gallons capacity WILL NOT be collected and will need to be managed on your own.



Calendar parking is observed from November 1 – April 1. All motor vehicles shall be parked on the even numbered side of the street on the day bearing an even calendar date and on the odd side of the street on the day bearing an odd calendar date.
For night-time parking, beginning at 6:00 pm, the calendar date after midnight shall apply for the entire night and until 6:00 pm of the following day.



Located high on the Laurentian Divide and midway across the historic Mesabi Iron Range, families and individuals alike will enjoy Buhl’s abundant recreational facilities and city infrastructure.  The Mesabi Trail winds through Buhl offering visitors a panoramic view of the historic Grant Iron Mine.  Along the trail is Stubler Beach, which offers a pavilion, swimming area, restrooms/changing rooms, and a fishing dock.  Stubler and Judson Pits are stocked for trout fishing and you’ll find remote portage in lakes just north of the city.  The City of Buhl also features a scenic walking trail which winds around Stubler and Judson Pits.  Burton Park features three bocce ball courts, playground equipment, a pavilion, a basketball court, restroom facilities, skateboard ramps and an 18 hole championship disc golf course at Judson Pit.  The Stubler Beach Campground offers eight rustic campsites with fire pits, elevated tent pads and a picnic area.  The Buhl Library is home to the City’s most precious artifacts.  Be sure to stop and sample Buhl’s famous water, named, “The finest drinking water in America”, which is taken from an underground glacial river 700 feet below the ground surface.  Buhl water is absolutely refreshing!  We invite you and your family to visit Buhl and find out why the Iron Range is a great way to getaway!






Buhl Water Tower – 2024 Structural Analysis Report



2023 Condition Assessment Report

Buhl Water Tower 2023 Condition Assessment Report

Buhl Water Tower 2023 Condition Assessment Findings




CEDA City of Buhl First Impression Report

Community and Economic Development Associates (CEDA) is in partnership with the City on exploring siting a child care facility, and has prepared a First Impression Report which shares initial impressions of the City and this project, and offers insights regarding moving this initiative forward.


The purpose of this First Impression Report – available through the link below – is to provide the City of Buhl with information on assets and opportunities as observed by an objective, first-time visitor.



Buhl First Impression Report





2024 Buhl Drinking Water Sanitary Survey

The Minnesota Department of Health conducts routine sanitary surveys every 18 months.


The 2024 Sanitary Survey is included below.



Buhl 2024 Sanitary Survey Report





CCR Water Reports

CCR Water Report 2023

CCR Water Report 2022


Latest News

  • 03/6/2025 - Buhl City Council Meeting – March 4, 2025